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A network of live-giving churches.


We are currently involved with the leadership at Brownsville International. It is a network of churches within Tanzania. The primary focus is the planting of life-giving and reproducing churches. Brian travels yearly to Tanzania to help with the annual Brownsville International Conference. 


The vision is the planting of 500 new churches in the next 20 years through the power of Spirit, training, and mobilization. Brian and Habib Kuya, the senior leader of the ministry in Tanzania, partner together. Habib is in the picture to the right. 


In November of 1998, Brian moved to Moshi, Tanzania. In the early years of the mission to Tanzania much effort was focused on evangelism, leadership development, and church planting. In the course of time, Brian along with two other missionaries partnered together to birth His Dwelling Place Church (Maskani Yake). Prior to the launch of Maskani yake, Troy Johnson and Brian Weaver prayed for a Muslim named Habib Kuya who was suffering from malaria. God healed him miraculously, and he turned to Christ. Brian and Troy began to intensively disciple him over the coming years. There was a unique call on him from the beginning. When Brian and Janine left in 2006 to return to America, they placed Habib Kuya in as Pastor to oversee and take care of the flock of Maskani Yake. Brian and Habib continue to work together to advance kingdom initiatives in Tanzania. Janine had a tremendous influence on the women of the church and was instrumental in holding some powerful women's conferences in Moshi. Currently, Habib is doing a tremendous job advancing church planting in various unreached villages in rural areas. Brian and Habib share a brotherhood that was birthed through years of friendship, Gospel ministry, church planting, prayer, and laughter. Maskani Yake is in the process of building a Church building on the land they acquired 5 years ago. After Janine and Brian married in 2003, a missionary team joined him to help reach the lost and disciple peoples. Alice Limpert, Mary Street, and Jill Omari all diligently brought different giftings and passions to the team to help make an impact in Moshi.



After Brian completed a year in Tanzania, he began to visit the village of Londoto. It was a Masaai village about 1 hours drive from the city he resided in called Moshi.  After being invited to go there, he began preaching and teaching regularly once a week. Of course, this was quite early on when Brian was still learning Kiswahili, the language spoken all over Tanzania, so the poor people that had to listen to Brian butcher all those sermons early on! After awhile, he progessively grew in the language.  After ministering there for a couple of years, Brian asked afriend of his named Long'ida if he would be willing to take the work over. Long'ida intentaly prayed about it and agreed.  He moved his wife and young child out there. Now they are continuing to gain influence in that area and their family has grown.

During those early years, Habib and Brian traveled often to the villages to minister.  One village that has become a hotbed of apostolic ministry was the village of Mkanyeni.  The first trip they made out to this village was marked by the supernatural, and since then, the presence and power of God has continuously been visible.  Habib in partnership with another ministry has since launched several other churches in this area.  What once was a desolate area of the Gospel has now become rich soil for Christ. 

©2021 by FUSION

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