God has called us to partner together with the German church to see a fresh move of God in Europe. Not only does this land need an awakening of hearts and spirits, but it also needs new life-giving churches to help bring it about. And that is why we have a vision for Frankfurt and the surrounding Rhein-Main area. The 2.5 million people that live in this metro area desperately need new churches that can reach people meanwhile keep an openness to the work of the Spirit.
We are planting New Life Church Germany to help catalyze a fresh awakening of God's grace and presence. Life-giving churches are needed throughout the spiritual landscape of Germany and Europe. We currently have two campuses of this church, but we are praying for more plants and campuses in the coming days. Here is the website to the church (FYI it's all in German, but never too late to brush up on your High School German:

In 2014, we assumed the campus pastor leadership role in a revitalization effort. God, over the next 6 months, began to bring new people and breathe life into the congregation. While the church had wonderful people, the church itself needed to experience a fresh work of grace. We actually had only intended to stay for a year, but we saw enough change and sensed the calling of God to continue to work in this area called Oberursel.
The plan was from the beginning to begin a new church in the city of Frankfurt. In the fall of 2017, we launched a second campus for our new church plant (New Life Church), with the first campus being the revitalized work that we have worked with since 2015.

Frankfurt is a strategic city. With changes across the European landscape, Frankfurt is increasingly becoming a very important city. We are contending for a work of the Spirit here through the planting of new life-giving churches. Frankfurt is also a gateway city to Germany and Europe for many immigrants. The nations have come here, and we see this as a perfect opportunity to impact nations and beyond.